Saturday, January 3, 2009

A WMD Unto Myself

There comes a time in many a man's life when he becomes destructive. We begin to drink and say things we later regret, or we blow people off for other people or activities. This is not uncommon enough that it is much of an obstacle for most of us. But a few of us overachievers take it a step further by becoming self destructive. We make decisions that lead to the detriment of the people around us, but mostly to ourselves. Why would we ruin something good? Maybe we do so subconsciously in order to avoid the possibilities that good thing may entail. Fear of the unknown - good or bad.

Without going into too much detail, I used my patented brand of honesty (read: abrasive retardation) to try to solidify an objective and ruined something potentially great in the process. Some events simply make you question the way you used to think things used to be, and these few have been of that variety. I appreciate the lesson, but wish it could have been paired with a different result.

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