Monday, October 13, 2008

22's Swan Song, Welcome 23

This weekend I had the distinctive pleasure of enjoying my 23rd birthday with my closest friends in a weekend that included plenty of wine, beer and booze, working during the day and surf film marathons. For everyone who came, you made it happen and you rock. For those who didn't, I will be even older next year, but let's not consider waiting until then.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Let's Secede!

Hey Californians, are you tired of being a part of these "united states" and want to reform the republic that was once so great and could be great again on its own? We have everything we need on our own already.

The federal government doesn't represent our needs anyway, why pay taxes to it? California Republic today!

Friday, October 3, 2008

It's Saturday and I'm Catching Up

It's Saturday night and I should be out partying. Then, I probably shouldn't have been out the last week straight on weeknights boozing and enjoying hangovers the next mornings. Such is the life of a man working lots of non-traditional hours. I have had a lot on my mind: surfing, the elections, women, wine, my health, life philosophy and traveling, all of which seem to ebb and flow in ways that are never quite convenient.

There's a certain beauty of living in a city if Venice could be called one. I think so. People everywhere, diversity. It makes me want to go to other cities and countrysides at the same time.

I recently had two visions that I was looking at myself from another perspective, and not necessarily in a good or bad way. In one I was taking out the trash at one of my jobs and I saw myself as much older, looking back at my young self and chuckling, saying that it will one day be much different and perhaps that I should enjoy this simplicity. In the other one I was at my restaurant job and I saw myself as old, turning 23 in a week. I couldn't believe that I was turning 23, seeing that as an old age. I was a young kid noticing how much had changed already.

I don't know how any of this is relevant, but that notion is irrelevant.