Wednesday, December 10, 2008

LA's Unexpected Lessons

The last couple of months have been trying for me in a few ways. I am working two jobs and an internship totaling precisely seven days per week of responsibilities. There hasn’t been much issue except for the occasional fatigue and the wonder of how I don’t have more money. Still, it’s good and I’m happy with the way things are going. It is much better to be doing this than to be unemployed.

A couple days ago I surfed some fun little waves close to my house. Many people know that this is a rare thing to occur and I was really stoked. I was sitting in the water thinking about the fortune under which my life operates. Earlier this year I met a friend who told me that I needed to look at what I have and what I am getting versus what I don’t have and what I’m not getting. I watched the sun come out through the clouds around 8:30 this beautiful December morning. I am mostly healthy, able to surf, ride my bike everywhere, and I have a great group of people around me.

I got out of the water and saw an eighty plus year old man doing tai chi near where my bike was locked and I thought, this guy is living. This was no young man, but we was on the beach doing the same routine he has likely done for decades. I don’t practice tai chi or really aspire to, but I was just finishing the routine I have done for, now, over a decade. A lot of good is around me and I am glad to be enjoying it.

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