Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Confident or just retarded?

My adventures in unemployment have been well-documented and not without twists and turns that have generally led to further unemployment. I don't know what to believe, because I keep hearing that the economy sucks and that there are no jobs, then I hear about people getting work, and everyone else I know seems to lock into something. This isn't to say I haven't had any offers myself, but I haven't had an offer that foreseeably leads to what I want to do, or that will let me spread my wings and be creative. I have been holding out, applying to job after job (must be well over 100 in the last 6 months) with no results.

This leads me to ask a simple question: am I just confidently awaiting something that fits my skills, or am I just retarded? Am I doomed to years of paper filing, Excel inserting, coffee grinding, and dingus slurping until I reach the point at which I can actually make a decision? The answer to which my magic 8 ball is indicating:

Because when I asked if I will ever work again it said this:

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