Friday, December 17, 2010

The End of Innocence

I don't know what it means to get older because I haven't gotten there yet. Maybe it's just a matter of perspective anyway. I do know that things start to change at some point though, and this year has been indicative of that. My situation is looking pretty rosy compared to what some friends have been through this year. We all lose a bit of innocence every time something like this happens.

One friend's dad had a stroke this summer while our friends were together for a weekend of fun and college reuniting. I couldn't help but think of my own parents and their health. They are healthy now and I hope they stay that way for a long time, but eventually all of our bodies start to fail us.

A family member was forced to declare bankruptcy after a long period of unemployment. This person didn't want this to happen and had always worked diligently. It's tragic.

While politicians were out hustling votes on November 2, legendary surfer Andy Irons passed away in a Dallas hotel room from what appears to be a drug overdose/ illness combination. AI surfed some of the heaviest waves in the world with casual style and ease. For him to die is surely a sign that none of us are exempt from what live can throw at us.

Finally, just yesterday a family friend and neighbor I have known since age 11 was found dead from suicide. He was such an awesome kid. Fun, shy and ridiculously smart. Just a few days before, on facebook he was looking forward to watching the Chargers and finishing finals. He just couldn't go on for some reason we may never know. This made me think about just how delicate our emotional states of being actually are. We can go from hot to cold in no time. The guy we are having drinks with on Saturday can be completely hopeless on Tuesday. I'll never forget the fun times I had with him.

Our family and friends are all that matter. All the rest is nada. It's a shame that events like these - and a rapid loss of innocence - are what it takes to make us mindful about those around us.

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