Saturday, August 28, 2010

What I learned on my French vacation.

1. Titties are proof that there is a Jesus and he loves us.
2. Someone should have told me to go to the Southwest coast of France when I was 16. Especially Lacanau.
3. I need to learn to drive a stick shift soon.
4. The people around there speak very fast regardless of language – French, Spanish, Basque, or English.
5. The amount of bread and cheese consumed per capita in France must be measured in tons.
6. The French are not a rude people; they just don’t really care for or appreciate other people. You can figure out the distinction there.
7. I can’t wait to see what happens next in pro surfing. The level of 16 year olds is already amazing.
8. Somewhere in France is a treasure chest of hot 22-year old women, but that place is not on the sleepy and beautiful coastline.
9. After my final night in Paris I think the may be that place I had considered in number 8.
10. I have to go back ASAP.

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