Friday, November 27, 2009

Insult + Injury = Eggs

'Tisn't a mystery that the waves in Los Angeles are sub-par on the best of days and that I love to get to SB or SD whenever I for some good surf. Well, when that plan fails I enter a state of eggyness. Indulge:

I woke up with the slightest of hangovers yesterday ready to give thanks to Huey for some excellent surf courtesy of a new WNW swell to be hitting the coast of CA. I called my friend Scott, who insisted I bring a fish of mine for him to use. I did, along with my Pod and my shorty - because the waves were going to be good today. I sat in traffic for a couple hours and finally arrived at the reliable Grandview in Leucadia, CA. The waves were slow, crowded and closing out. Ok, thought I, on to the aunt and uncle's for a feast, and I will surf again tomorrow.

Today comes, everyone has the day off, Surfline said a swell was coming, I went surfing with the rest of North County. The wind was light and offshore, the tide was perfect for the region, I was ready to shreddy. 'Twasn't to be. I checked all the usual spots along with some unusual ones and ended up at a campground in Carlsbad. The waves looked ok and an old man told me it was getting better. Dumb dumb dumb old man. I was like the day before only bigger and maybe more closed out. It was crowded, I wasn't really getting waves and the eggyness was starting to solidify.

Sooo I made my way back to my coche, ready to get back to LA to finish some work before the weekend (and I usually work on weekends, so...). A kind and young-faced Mexican man standing next to his gardening truck, parked behind my car, looked at me and said "You 'ave a teeeeckit." "Fuck" was my first response, followed by "the city of Carlsbad." "cunt" and "balls." My paisa friend had one too, as did a kid a few cars away. Gotta pay the price for parking in a "No Parking Any Time" zone I suppose. Maybe I should have learned that a couple months ago at Trestles when I did THE EXACT SAME THING. Ahhhhh. Better now.

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